Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Guess who turned up in France!

 There we were, minding our own business, having a nice quiet time at our place in France, and on my part mostly sleeping the day away because of the rain, when a red car came down the drive and to my utter astonishment out jumped Freddie! Luckily the sheer size of the garden was enough to keep him exercised and I was grateful they remembered his cage!


Friday, 24 June 2022

A bit of an update

I promised I would post on here a bit more often, so here goes. In my last post I was talking about the adventures we've had and we have been away in the motorhome quite recently, exploring apart of the country called Derbyshire. I'm not into beautiful scenery much, but I did enjoy the different smells. 
The other thing that happened recently was that Freddie, who I talked about before, came to STAY. It was only for a day or so but after he went home I was exhausted. That pup has more energy than you'd think possible. It's a good job we had his cage to put him in from time to time.

He does have a cheek, though. He doesn't seem to know or care what belongs to me! He even got into my bed, chasing his ball.

We went on a few more walks than usual while he was with us. Most of the time he was quite good, but he did run off after a strange black dog and for a while he was just a speck in the distance! We were in a big field, though, so he wasn't in danger. It rained quite hard that afternoon, so with his long silky coat Freddie looked half-drowned. You wouldn't think I was wet at all!

Here we are on our way home. Don't we look angelic? Of course, you should never be deceived by appearances! (Especially in Freddie's case.)

Friday, 27 May 2022

Where have all the years gone?

 Do you know, it's been nine years since I last posted on here? NINE! How did that happen? Obviously I have been very slack. It's not that nothing much has happened - on the contrary: life has been busy, and often bewildering. 

Where to begin? Well, for a start I am quite a lot older now - I am 14 years and 8 months, a venerable age, I'm sure you'll agree. Apparently, if I were human, I would be 96. I don't see too many 96 year old humans doing what I do, I can tell you. For instance, here's a photo of me, taken a few weeks ago, playing football in a field with some children.

It's true I do sleep a lot these days. When you're as old as me, you need to build up your strength. But when something interesting and different happens, I'm up for it. For instance, my humans recently bought a motorhome. I was a bit dubious at first, but now I have got used to it and I have realised it means somewhere different and exciting to explore. 

So here's a photo of me taken recently in some public gardens in France. As you see, old as I am, I haven't lost my looks.


Of course many things have happened and a lot has changed in nine years, but one very surprising thing happened which has made quite a big difference to me. My girls don't live with us any more - they have homes of their own. The older one also has a man in her life and I like him very much. But then, for some unfathomable reason, they went and got a puppy! He is a cocker spaniel called Freddie and he is quite, quite crazy. I heard them wonder whether I was as mad when I was young and they said I WAS! Surely that can't be true.  Here's a photo of Freddie when he was quite a bit younger, in his cage (he has to go in a cage sometimes to give us all a bit of peace.)

Well, I have got used to Freddie. I had to, because I realised he was part of the family. He is annoying, and I tell him off, especially when he dives under my belly or jumps on me, but he doesn't take much notice.

I'm going to try and post a bit more often in future. I must set an example to my mistress, who, I'm afraid, has been slack too. But for now, it's time to sign off.