The other thing that happened recently was that Freddie, who I talked about before, came to STAY. It was only for a day or so but after he went home I was exhausted. That pup has more energy than you'd think possible. It's a good job we had his cage to put him in from time to time.
He does have a cheek, though. He doesn't seem to know or care what belongs to me! He even got into my bed, chasing his ball.
We went on a few more walks than usual while he was with us. Most of the time he was quite good, but he did run off after a strange black dog and for a while he was just a speck in the distance! We were in a big field, though, so he wasn't in danger. It rained quite hard that afternoon, so with his long silky coat Freddie looked half-drowned. You wouldn't think I was wet at all!
Here we are on our way home. Don't we look angelic? Of course, you should never be deceived by appearances! (Especially in Freddie's case.)