Friday, 24 June 2022

A bit of an update

I promised I would post on here a bit more often, so here goes. In my last post I was talking about the adventures we've had and we have been away in the motorhome quite recently, exploring apart of the country called Derbyshire. I'm not into beautiful scenery much, but I did enjoy the different smells. 
The other thing that happened recently was that Freddie, who I talked about before, came to STAY. It was only for a day or so but after he went home I was exhausted. That pup has more energy than you'd think possible. It's a good job we had his cage to put him in from time to time.

He does have a cheek, though. He doesn't seem to know or care what belongs to me! He even got into my bed, chasing his ball.

We went on a few more walks than usual while he was with us. Most of the time he was quite good, but he did run off after a strange black dog and for a while he was just a speck in the distance! We were in a big field, though, so he wasn't in danger. It rained quite hard that afternoon, so with his long silky coat Freddie looked half-drowned. You wouldn't think I was wet at all!

Here we are on our way home. Don't we look angelic? Of course, you should never be deceived by appearances! (Especially in Freddie's case.)